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Newbie Love - Organic Black Mesh & FREE Doll's wrap (valued at $19.95)

$119.00 $98.00


The touch of your skin, the need for them to be close. Newborn babies have a skin hunger that calls to your natural instincts to nurture and protect.

From the earliest days, offer that closeness and connection while keeping them cool and with fresh air flowing over and around baby's body through the cotton mesh panelling.  

Enjoy the secure feeling of the patented protective neck pillow, built into the Newbie Love to support your delicate newborn's head and neck. 

It's not hard to learn to use NewbieLove, it's as easy as learning to plait hair and nervous parents just like you have done it easily by following the step by step instructions.

The simple Front Wrap Cross Carry method (see step by step videos on the Newbie Love site) shows how to achieve one layer of mesh over baby's body - or try the Basic Carry if you'd like all 3 layers of cotton over baby. Pay attention to the TIGHTENING part of the instructions to get a really good result.

Suitable from 3.2 kg (newborn), and seek health professional advice is your baby is smaller and/or premature. Never lay your baby horizontal.

We all know babies are cooler and more comfortable in cotton.

Your NewbieLove is particularly lovely in chemical free GOTS certified organic cotton. Even the mesh is organic cotton.

Organic cotton is particularly suitable for newborn babies, with no toxins or chemicals to irritate skin. It's more environmental and chemical-free than man-made fibres bamboo rayon or viscose, and it's soft to touch and wear, and fully breathable.

Tip: Ensure your baby is Visible and Kissable (Baby Carrier Industry Alliance recommendation) and for further comfort, keep in mind T.I.C.K.S. safety guidelines when using any baby carriers (Tight against your body, In View at All Times, Close enough to kiss, Keep chin off chest, Supported Back).   

While there is no strict weight limit, up to 14 kg is recommended as a guide.

Pure GOTS-Certified Organic Cotton

Certified Fair Trade

Every Hug-a-Bub plants a tree (in Haiti, Nepal and Madagascar through our partners Eden Projects)

Machine washable warm or cold gentle cycle.  Tumble dry on low heat.

Current special: Receive 1 x FREE Doll's wrap (valued at $19.95). The colour will be randomly chosen, Latte and Ombré Dusk are currently available. Feel free to email us your preference.

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